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"Everything has its use" is a phrase we often hear. However, in this fast-paced modern society, there are things that seem to have little or no use. People often overlook the value and meaning behind these things considered "useless."

At first glance, these things may indeed appear to be without assistance or function. For example, a neglected little plant, its ordinary appearance overgrown with weeds. It goes unnoticed, and no one is moved by it. However, if we observe it closely, we will discover its resilience and tenacity. It can grow in any environment, anchoring the soil with a tiny root system, providing the ecosystem with the function of preventing soil erosion. It may not bring wealth or honor to people, but in nature, it plays an indispensable role.

Similarly, some artworks are also regarded as "useless." For example, an apparently meaningless abstract painting. People may question its aesthetics and artistic value. However, these artworks have unique value. They showcase the thoughts and emotions of the artist, evoking resonance in viewers. They can also inspire creativity and imagination, contributing to the development of society and culture. Art itself may not meet people's practical needs, but it nourishes the soul, offering enlightenment and contemplation.

Additionally, people often underestimate certain skills or knowledge considered "useless." For instance, studying ancient literature or history is considered a waste of time by many. However, these knowledge and skills can help people better understand and reflect on the present world. They provide the accumulation and inheritance of human wisdom, laying the foundation for the prosperity of our culture. They also cultivate critical thinking and analytical abilities, enabling us to better confront complex real-world issues.

In fact, the so-called "uselessness" is a narrow value judgment. In a society that pursues efficiency and utilitarianism, many things and actions are neglected or devalued simply because they do not bring immediate practical benefits. However, this perspective overlooks the needs of the human spirit and emotions, neglecting our inner desire for beauty, wisdom, and exploration.

Therefore, we should reexamine the value of so-called "useless" things. While they may not change the world, they influence people's lives in their own unique ways. Let us be open and inclusive, appreciating those seemingly "useless" things and discovering their beauty and meaning. Let us rethink our definition of value, making this world more diverse, full of wisdom, and warmth.


