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1“I don’t want to kill you What would I do without you? Go back to ripen off mob dealers, no, no, no, no, youYou completeme”谁说我想杀joker台词你了没joker台词你我可怎么办哟走老路去耍耍毒品贩子。

我认为最经典的就是Wayne You either die a you live long enough to see yourself become the villain I can do those things because I#39m not a hero, not like Dent I killed those people That#39s。

Luna Joker 月神王牌使用Luna和Joker的地球内存变身,于第1话首次登场必杀技为“Joker Strange”从中对分后由Luna分身并“鞭尸”,再由Joker用手刀了结剧场版A to Z中使用 Heat Joker 炽热王牌使用Heat和Joker的地球。

But I know the truth There#39s no going backDon#39t talk like one of them You are not Even if you#39d like to be To them, you are just a freak, like me They need you right now But when。

Don#39t kid me!Joker! 悟空我再说一次,我的名字叫作齐天大圣!不要再叫错喽! Let me tell you again! I#39m the Monkey king,!Don#39t make any mistake紫霞哎,齐天大圣孙悟空是吗?你不是要去西天取经吗?带我一起去。

这句话是dc漫画蝙蝠侠中的经典反派小丑Joker的经典台词这只是诺兰版小丑的口头禅漫画,动画,其他影视作品中的小丑,则没有这句Why so serious,从字面翻译来看,意思是“为什么这么严肃”诺兰版小丑的特质。


2 is a lofty revolutionary spirit of fighting Drug God! Drug God! Drug God! JOKER Kaiyao! Do not give any opportunity Batman! Great Hanl Columbia City magician, he inherited a Columbia City Hanl the gl。



