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1、火车会带你去很远的地方, 你知道火车会带你去哪但你并不确定, 不过不重要 因为我们会永远在一起 1You#39rewaitingforatrainatrainthatwilltakeyoufarawayYouknowwhereyouhopethetrainwilltakeyou,butyoucan#39tknowforsure盗梦空间英文台词全;盗梦空间台词你是想放手一搏,还是等到年华老去,心中充满遗憾,孤独地迈向黄泉路? 原电影英文台词是? 原电影英文台词是? 展开 #xE768 我来答 1个回答 #热议# 生活中有哪些成瘾食物盗梦空间英文台词全;You#39re waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can#39t be sure But it doesn#39t matter because we#39ll be together你等;and rewrite all the rules人类一个简单的念头可以创造城市一个念头可以改变世界What#39s the most resilient parasite? An Idea最具有可塑性的寄生生物是什么?是人的想法mdashmdashInception盗梦空间。

2、1关于盗梦 What#39s the most resilient parasite? An Idea A single idea from the human mind can build cities An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules Which is why I have to steal it;You mustn#39t be afraid to dream bigger, darling 参考资料html?si=2;You’re waiting for a train, 你在等一班火车,a train that will take you far away, 火车会带你去很远的地方,you know where you hope it will take you, 你知道火车会带你去哪,but you don’t know for;Enjoy your evening, gentlemen, as I consider your proposal这句话的意思是祝你们晚上愉快,先生们,我在考虑你们的提议as在这里表示连词,意为”在的时候“,”随着当时”,例如As she was lea;Inception盗梦空间 But 2000 people at a time, and there were wishes here 这艘船每次只载客两千,既载人,又载梦想 The Legend of 1900海上钢琴师 Slander is spoken In print, its libel 中伤是口语,印出来就是;是这样的那个时刻我没有把握住无论我做什么我都不能挽回我想要呼唤盗梦空间英文台词全他们,他们却恰好跑开了如果我再见到他们的脸庞,我就只能回家去回到真实的世界The moment#39s passedWhatever I do I can#39t change this。

3、关于造梦的原型 Never recreate places from your memory Always imagine new places!不要根据记忆重塑梦境统统想像出全新的场景关于盗梦 What#39s the most resilient parasite? An Idea A single idea from the human;maldo u remember when u asked me to marry u?cobbyes mal u said u dreamt that we#39ll grow old togethercobbbut we didwe did, u don#39t remember?i#39d miss u more than i can bear,butwe;盗梦空间 乱世佳人三个多小时,我当时看了一个下午,史诗钜制,了解美国南北战争时期的历史生活多美好这个电影看后你也许会觉得生活中有什么事是大不了的呢,如果给那些轻生的人一个机会,他们绝对会好好生活楚门的。

4、Big Fish大鱼Nemo台词Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small With more space, the fish will grow double, triple or quadruple its size金鱼呆在小鱼缸里永远不会变大若有更多空间;Saito to Cobb Are you here to kill me? I know what this ishe picks up the small object from the tableSaito I#39ve seen one before many, many years ago It belonged to a man I met in a。

5、盗梦空间 You#39re waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can#39t be sure But it doesn#39t matter because we#39ll be togethe;Eames They come here everyday to sleep?Elderly manNo, they come to be woken up The dream has become their reality Who are you to say otherwise翻译伊姆斯他们每天都来这儿睡觉?老人不,他们到这儿来;盗梦空间经典台词 1So do you want to take a leap of faith,or bee an old man,filled with regret waiting to die alone?那么,你是想放手一搏,还是等到年华老去,心中充满遗憾,孤独地迈向黄泉路?2Our。



